Bootstrike.Com Professional Web Design (Link to section)
There is also the Bootstrike.Com Professional Web Design section. Here it is explained why online business is important and the benefits it brings to the company. The services being offered, besides the design itself, are hosting, maintenance and custom programming. In the hosting service, they can setup a hosting plan for you that supports all the frills an online company requires. It gives lots of disk space, bandwidth, mySQL, PHP, CGI, Statistics and a Control Panel to manage all these.
These are only a handful of the features offered. In Maintenance, they can help to update your site while you just email/sms them the changes you want. You don't have to know any technical knowledge as all is done by them. Finally in Custom Programming, they assist to create custom applications for your business using Java Server Pages (JSP) or servlets developing applications such as a Intranet Portal where staff can send in their suggestions, find profiles of their collegues and even discuss online.
Or you can just ask them to do some enhancements such as guestbooks, forums, form validation scripts and calendars to schedule events. Check out their samples and do contact them for a quote if you are interested.
Bootstrike.Com (Introduction)
| Articles | Professional
Web Design | Windows
XP | Genetic Engineering
| Laughter HELL
| Mobile Shopping
| New Zealand Splendour | Planescape:
Torment | Ultima Worlds | Greeting Cards | Computer Service | Video Convert |